iRobot Scooba Floor Washing Robot

I married one of these

sold out, I missed it?


I must be falling asleep I keep missing these items

What do you mean I missed in. Scoobas dfon’t sell out in less then a second

sold out, I missed it?

Got my vacuum earlier…

Now a MOP???


Argh, more future woots.

And that is how we spell irony.

whaat…wheres my BOC?

Not enough linolium for a Scooba. But, how did I miss it?

“theme for wooting off”

that really sounds dirtier than it is.



AGGGGGG I hate cleaning robots!

Another one, comeon woot your killing me.

i hate seeing these on!!!

“sales over” w/ lights flashing? first time seeing that… so its over?

<– BTW, i have more than 10 woots, woot! change my square! :stuck_out_tongue:

AGGGGGG I hate cleaning robots!