It’s A Trap!

Is it a Legendary Trap? Just wonderin’…9_9

Got one of these for my boyfriend, his fellow game developers will get a holler out of it. XD~~~~

Also, hi-five to another Austin designer! We should organize an Austin Wootmeet. :slight_smile:

The phrase “I can’t shake 'em!” comes to mind. Two movies back, I know, but still.

I will now be singing Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey aaalllllll daaaaaayyyy long! Thanks, woot, for the soundtrack to my day. =)

I must have it! In for one.

“party trap”

I was considering doing something along these lines for the palindrome derby. Too late now. Thanks a lot Matt Leyen! :wink:


Mmmm, yes, more for my collection, BUWAHAHAHA!

He falls for everything.

Ugh… TeeFury…

(By that I mean… Have their designs always sucked or is it a recent thing? My first/only buy from them was the last $5 grab…)


He’s so googly eyed.

“It’s A Trap!” is right. I purchased two shirts this week. Phil, the prince of insufficient light is here to darn me to heck for buying shirts I really don’t need.

Double Darn!

futile or empty of meaning

freakin’ awesome! in for one!

Wow. Somebody has too much time on their hands.

I want one but am to afraid to click on the “I want one” button in fear of it being a trap.

Uncle Albert win!

This is why you should always snip up your chinese handcuffs with scissors before throwing them away. Otherwise innocent Mon Calamari can become tangled in them and die. :frowning:

Dear Internet,

I’d like to preemptively point out to all the hyperventilating nerds that Admiral Ackbar does indeed have finger-like appendages, though he is a lobster-like denizen of Mon Calamari. If anyone would like to empirically test whether or not a Chinese finger trap would work on chitin, be my guest.

A little help on the song? All I can think is “I’m Super” from South Park: BLU (all the sorrys), but I don’t think that’s right.

Bought it like a bad habit.