JanKris Estate Mixed Red Case

JanKris Estate Mixed Red Case
$89.99 + $5 shipping
3 JanKris 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon
3 JanKris 2005 Riatta
3 JanKris 2005 Picaro
3 JanKris 2005 Crossfire
CT links above

Winery website

Previous offers from this winery:
2/10/09 (continuation of 2/9/09 offer with zin replaced)
12/7/06 (rare offer in a woot.com woot-off!)

What have we here? Very interesting.

What’s the drinking window on these :slight_smile:

Odd looking 12 pack of beer.

For this price, I’m gonna roll dice.

Cannn’tt wait…
Been so excited once I got my labrats tracking number earlier today…

Darn you Woot…you are going to make me buy a case after this I’m betting.

Looking really hard for a wine cooler right now…cause Im gonna need it.


The labels are a whole lot less ugly than last time. Hope the wine is too… it was my first woot, and it tasted rubbish!

But then I didn’t know about decanting for aeration then: maybe they’ll taste good with aeration! ?

Here is a previous offer from the same winery…but none of the wines are the same.

Hope we have rat reports soon, this looks very Interesting

Rest assured, knowing that you’ve bought quite possibly the least expensive full case of wine on wine.woot, giving you more money to spend on a wine cooler.

THIS could be the least expensive case ever offered on the wine.woot.

Then it’s kinda not really a previous offer… is it?


I’d consider this just because the wine is already 5-6 years old.

No they were disgusting no matter what you did with them last time!

Were these made under the new owner, or just bottled under then?

For that price, I would purchase it just to have cooking wine on hand. But they do sound iteresting. I am looking forward to the lab rat reports.

12 labrats… let them decide.

I was thinking the same thing…these might be nicely aged, or past their prime.

Well…not per say…but it gives people a glance into the winemakers style…lot of good lab rat reports.

and there…I edited my post.

The 2006 Cab won a silver medal under $15 cab at 2009 SF chronicle wine judging.

The 2005 crossfire won a silver in the other Italian blends category under $20 in 2009 and apparently it ALSO won silver in 2010 - not sure how you can re-enter although it was not listed as Paso Robles in 2009.

The Riata also won silver in under $20 other Italian blends

The woot monkeys were busy today!!!

I received three wine.woot shipping notices from the last wine.woot 0ff :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see all eight of those magnums in all their glory :slight_smile:

And all the Mondovi Emblem wines…those babies are going down (although it’s SO tempting to try a bottle now!)!!

After reading the previous woot reports on JanKris, I’m definitely looking forward to the rat reports. Will it be a nice stock pile of Tuesday wines? Or will I save my rubbles for another day?