Ka’Chava Chocolate All-In-One Shake Blend (2 LB)

Ka’Chava Chocolate All-In-One Shake Blend (2 LB)

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I’ve been wanting to try this. It looks incredibly delicious in the online ads, but Ka’Chava doesn’t sell samples. Was actually surprised to see it here.

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I’ve been debating it, too. But I’m going to have to get it approved by my kidney Dr before I make a purchase.

IF you do purchase, would you please come back here and let me know which flavor you bought and how you mixed it up, and how it tasted.

I know from years ago, working at a health club, these are all usually better in a blender with ice. It gives a more shake-like consistency and the cold helps cover any odd flavors.


Bev in TX

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I love this product, have been using on and off for 2 years now as a breakfast substitute.
I really never have time for breakfast, so easy to make shake in blender and off i go.
Check out their website, may be able to get cheaper with subscribe and save and coupons?
I prefer to mix one scoop chocolate and one scoop vanilla or coconut.
Another really cool addition is freeze dried pulverized banana, awesome.


btw, i have the bullet mixer,so easy to do, i put water in the cup, add one scoop chocolate and one scoop vanilla or coconut, and blend,not chalky like other drinks at all, tastes great immediately, does thicken up if you let it sit,i usually only drink 1/2 cup immediately, then later add a little more water and drink.
Its really smooth and does not taste like vitamins or anything else weird, or I would not be buying it.
Im a hairstylist and one of my customers also drinks this regularly, and yeah here hair increased in numbers and did seem to grow faster, interesting.

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The photo of ingredients is so fuzzy, I can’t read it.
Do you currently have a container you would help me with?
Mainly I want to know if there’s any sweetener of any sort in it.
Sucralose, phenylalanine, nutrasweet - or any others - if they’re on the label, I cannot read them. Also, how many sugars in a serving?
Thank you in advance!

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Am I reading that this is 15 servings?

15 servings per bag

7g sugars, 4g added sugars per serving

uses lo han fruit extract as sweetener (aka monk fruit)