Kawaii Puft

The Japanese adds just the right amount of sophistication.

I concur with that assessment…

Otaku FAIL!

The color of the shirt is Navy Blue.

We get this guy laid, we won’t have any trouble!

Unless you consider the fact that it appears to be gibberish or a misspelling.

Hmmm… I correct myself. That definition is for “zeniaoi” (ゼニアオイ). I wonder if there’s a misprint in there?

My dictionary says mallow is ゼニアオイ? Regardless I don’t get why the artist didn’t just use マシュマロ。。。

Edit: ^Yeah guessing misprint, somehow.

Or a bad pun.

Agree, or a poor attempt at vanilla-y? ;p (But that would require a ‘ba’…)

What’s he popping out of? Looks like the top of Wall-E or something. Maybe that’s the pun.

Would have been INSTANT SALE if the katakana hadn’t been total nonsense because the design is insanely cute.

That’s the Ghostbusters’ ghost trap. He is the Stay Puft marshmallow man.

You guys are all making me feel better. I read the Katakana, couldn’t figure out what it might mean (only 2 years of Japanese here) and hoped someone in the comments would know.

I feel less stupid now that I see that none of you are really sure either.

jaw drop

Have you never seen Ghostbusters?!
That’s the ghost trap!

Yeah, should have seen that.

I’m emailing the image to a native speaker to see if he knows, but probably won’t get an answer until tomorrow.

Kawaii = cute in Japanese
The word on the shirt is “cute”

Keep in mind katakana isn’t for just english words, its for foreign words. I’m not saying its not an attempt at an english word, but I know many katakana words are french which confused the hell out of me when I first took japanese

I have had a native Japanese speaker living with me the last year. I am 100% positive it says “cute”. You can double check it on google translate.

Maybe the nonsense word is a take
on nonsense japlish t-shirts.

Some of those t-shirts were enough
to turn a sour mood around.

Yeah, I’m passing on this one as well, due to the Japanese typo/gibberish (6 year student here, also can’t make heads or tails).