I have WIDE FEET (EEEE) and I would love to see you offer some shoes for us web-footed wooters -
I work with guys like myself who have to settle for what fits when we go to a shoe store rather than what style or color we like.
[QUOTE=billywest, post:2, topic:506595]
I have WIDE FEET (EEEE) and I would love to see you offer some shoes for us web-footed wooters -
I work with guys like myself who have to settle for what fits when we go to a shoe store rather than what style or color we like.
Our buyers try to get as many size/width options as they can. Sometimes those wider sizes sell out in stores before our buyers have a chance to pick any up. We’ve had some on occasion, keep any eye out!
Cheaper on Amazon with 20% off (DEALWEEK) code.
[QUOTE=Jaballer, post:4, topic:506595]
Cheaper on Amazon with 20% off (DEALWEEK) code.
For the Rack N Roll style it might be cheaper for some sizes but Amazon charges different prices based on the shoe size so my size comes up cheaper here. If you are a size 8.5 or 9.5 Amazon will save you more. Now on the Mag-Netic shoes I got a great deal at $37 shipped over at amazon. Thanks for the heads up Jaballer.
Saw these for $40 at Kohls the other day