Kensington 150 Watt Portable Power Inverter


If only it was 50 watts more I would go for that, but 150 watts won’t suit my needs

I want a bag o carp not just random carp…


Now, THAT description is funny!

Makes me think of Real Genius for some reason…

Is it weird that im actullay hoping for a vacuum cleaner? mine just broke

That description is hilarious!

this is good for sex toys when im driving

Im gonna go rub one loose then come back. Looks like its gonna be a long one.

400w please!!!

is it worth it if I have a laptop???

WOW. I was worried about leaving for work or even sleeping but now I see I didn’t miss much at all. And still no crap bag?

2+ purchases and 100% left

fuck woot

I’m out

oh god, how many of them are there?

lol at the description drive the car into your apartment

you missed the vacuum already…

Super weak

Are you trying to slowly kill all of us off…one by one so there will be more B.O.C. to go around…because I am dying here…Come on already!