is this what is passing for electronics these days?
wasn’t this a cam just a moment ago…hrm, i sense conspiracy
bag ,bag,bag crapp craap iam here guys
good woot, but c-mon… $11?
someone PM me a woot tracker! thanks in advance buddy
woot off, dont be silly
There having there crazy loot sale
Oh im in this just for the BoC and the monkeys
BOC,b.o.c., B-O-C, “boc” , .
I took one for the team – when the 61" DLP comes up y’all remember that!
it’s about wootin time…yeehaw!
Servers giving me less of a response than it did during the christmas day BOC. Only got 1/2 a picture of the bluetooth receiver, name on the day/night camera,
come on people buy this sweet light… i know you want to
yeaa…whens the random crap comin up?
“wootoff” on AIM… 22/36 spots taken.
I’m in for that woot alarm too, maybe i can get SOME sleep tonight…
OK Woot…Have the Bale Of Clover be about 10am. OK??