KitchenAid Cookware Set - 2 Styles

I got these the last time they were w00ted, and they’re grrrrrrrrreat!

I bought the stainless set during the last woot sale. I love the look of this set and the handles are very ergonomic. The bottom is a 3 ply stainless, copper and aluminum plate so it heats fairly quickly and evenly for a stainless set. Despite the article that Conan linked, this set is not dishwasher safe. The best way to clean it is with a soft brush and soapy water. If that doesn’t work a little Barkeeper’s Friend goes a long way. Barkeeper’s Friend also does an excellent job of deoxidizing the copper ring at the bottom. This set is oven safe although I haven’t tried it yet so I can’t comment on that. My main complaints against this set are that none of the lids fit the 10" saute pan and the small sauce pot can tip over from the heavy handle if empty. The polished exterior, while beautiful, seems to scratch easily against other metal so be careful where you store them. Overall I’m very happy with this set for the price I paid. Hope this helps.