Kris Blingle

Agree on both points!

sorry, but I don’t wear baby blue shirts. Interesting design though.

ahaha “wear this to the santogold show” a week ago I wouldnt have gotten that.

I suppose I could buy this to clean the rims on my car with…

Is Kris Blingle supposed to be a satire of Chris Bangle, the chief designer at BMW?

Hilarious design, but I don’t do Christmas…

Yuck. SO not my style…

Kris Kringle is another name for Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, etc.

The way Woot ships stuff, they should have put this up in September. Enjoy your Christmas shirt in 2009!

I think it’s a satire of Kris Kringle but he has his massive amounts of bling, therefore he’s called Kris Blingle.


I like the clock. Flavaa-Flaaaav.

Lucky1988 is one of my favorite derbyists, but this design just isn’t doing it for me. There’s just too much going on, and I prefer my Santas to look more like Father Christmas than Mr. T. Too bad 'cause I’d love to give him some of my money. :frowning:

Grats on the print, but I think I speak for most people when I say…I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing this.

funny, but not a baby blue fan. congrats! wore/showed off my ninja panda shirt yesterday =)

Sweet! Saved 10 bucks!

I hate it.

If I didnt hate it, I’d have to pay $15 for it to wear before Xmas. And where would I wear it?

No way.

Why would you do that to a (edit) Ferrari?

It reminds me of the “Big Daddy” Roth stuff from long ago - remember “Rat Fink” (presuming you are old enough?)

i love the cartoon style, but i don’t like the randomness of this shirt plus the santa ref; shirts like these scare me when random shirt days come by