KRUPS 10-Cup Coffee/Espresso Combo Machine

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KRUPS 10-Cup Coffee/Espresso Combo Machine
Price: $69.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Monday, Feb 09 to Tuesday, Feb 10) + transit
Condition: New


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4 bar pressure on the espresso component? No thank you. 15 bar is standard. I wonder if any espresso will actually come out?

For those new at this: This is NOT a pump espresso maker.

It is what some call a “steam toy” that produces a totally different brew powered by steam pressure.

If allowed to fully empty, the last super-heated steam will liberate unwanted waxes, etc., from the coffee and be quite bitter. The trick is to turn it off before that happens.

These machines make “espresso” that tastes more like what you get from a stovetop moka pot or “machinetta.”

Steam toys are always found as unwanted gifts at Goodwill and elsewhere.

Unless you are adding sugar and cream, a pump machine will make you happier.

Get the right tool for the job!

Apples and oranges. This is not a pump machine.

Remember Krups is Spurk spelled backwards.