Last Post: My final post

Have a good time tonight!


Last Post #21.

I can’t believe you are counting.

It’s early.

Last Post #23.

and your bored.


You have no idea…


This is the last post.

…until the next one.

Like this one. The Final Post.

Hey! Your fish in your sig is moving! Is that new or did I just miss it before?

Last post

If you stare at it, the fish speeds up and slows down.

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Oooh. Entertainment.

Last post

I remember a time when my post count was within 400 of SkekTek’s just a couple short weeks ago. Now he’s ecli[psed my number by over a thousand.

How does he do it?

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Posting all his “thank yous” for his shirt?

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yes. That’s dozens right there!

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Don’t forget all the “oooh, I’m so excited I might win the derby” posts. That’s gotta be another dozen or two! :wink:

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for sure. In addition to the regular stampede of last posts and silent but golden posts. But we all enjoy a nice silent but golden post every now and then.

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Damn whippersnappers…

I’ve been contributing to all the threads, while kenney for some silly reason cut back to two. Plus, I’m just chatty! :slight_smile:

Last Post.

In my aged state, I found myself unable to keep track of what conversations I was having in each thread, so I am trying to cut down to the last posts, silent posts, and the occasional PWA post.

Or maybe I just want to focus more on work. Nah, that’s not it…

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My wife says I have an EBW addiction. Judging by my post count, she’s got a point.

My response to the lovely Mrs. kenney9226 when accused of the same thing: Well, there are plenty of other things to see on the Internet if you want me to go find 'em!

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