Laundry Day

Yeah I’m having the same problem…

Congrats, Boots!

Some people may say this is adorable, but I think it’s pretty sinister.

I mean, on the one hand, he could be doing laundry…on the other hand…he could be hanging up trophies…

Cute concept, but the sheet on the far left is legitimately scary… They all look like pillow cases with eye-holes, but that one on the left doesn’t even leave room for euphemism…

This makes me theorize far too much about Pacman. Does he just eat the sheet, while the ghosts “soul” travels back to the center box to pick up some new laundry?

I’ve always wondered why ghosts wear clothes that give them legs at the bottom. Who needs legs? It’s not like they’re useful or anything…

naked ghosts sure are… glisteny…

this is super cute :slight_smile:

hmmm y’know, on second thought, they DO look pretty embarrassed/unhappy when they’re going back :s

Another vote for Oxiclean (now owned by Arm and Hammer). Put in a scoop or two per load, let it soak overnight, and your dingy socks and underthings will be ghosty-white once again!

Oh, and props to the designers for the cute shirt …

Too cute…but might lose to the hubby. That would suck.

Too bad the description writers blew their load of BooOoOoooo jokes yesterday. Couldn’t you guys have saved one for BOoOOotsBoOOoOOOts’s collaborative effort? Or would that have been so obvious as to become bOOoOoOOOOoOOooOring? :slight_smile:

Me too. And it’s not the fault of the artist- it’s a cute, funny image. It’s just not one I’d want on my chest in case someone else misinterpreted it at a glance.

(Then again, I’ve bought something like 6 t-shirts this week between shirt.woot and Tee Fury, so I probably have tapped my funny t-shirt budget for the month anyway…)

I’m pretty sure my african-american husband is going to veto this one. But its cute!

Yay Boots and KellySnaps!

Ghosts R Us. :slight_smile:

Every time I hear the phrase “Laundry Day” I can’t help but think of Dr. Horrible.

yay!!! Congrats, Boots and Kelly!

Are you serious?! It took me several minutes to figure out what you could possibly be talking about. I think you’re safe with this shirt.

Must be the ectoplasm.

Awright! I am so happy to see this print, that I might not even kick a puppy today. Might not.

Thanks everyone! But, no thanks to Kelly. Not because she doesn’t deserve credit or anything, just because she’s a terrible person who doesn’t deserve a thank you. If you knew her, you’d know what I mean. She kicks puppies everyday.* :slight_smile:

*Edit: I think I’d better mention that I’m kidding. And also, the ghost isn’t a racist (or so he says, anyway).

Boots and Kelly! Boots and Kelly! Yay!

Congrats on the print!