LE Birthday Bag Code Name Dreadnought

Ugh, that one hurt.

Every other blue moon

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Iā€™m so mad! Waited in a cold sweat throughout the 10 oā€™clock hour for the LE BOC, then when it finally shows, the boss wants to talk! :sob::sob:


itā€™s happened to me ONCEā€¦ That same day I caught the biggest fish of me life too /s :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Some said it could but I have never had it happen. You see VoP its over.

Same old Woot that canā€™t seem to filter purchase bots. So dumb.

Definitely does on regular BoCā€™sā€¦ Iā€™ve gotten a lot that way. I think quantity is too limited here though.

I have once, but was only in it for a few seconds

okayā€¦thanks. guess i can go do some non-woot related stuff for a bit.

Where do BOC even show up on the website? I never saw this on my computer, showed up in my app after it was sold out. :man_facepalming:t2:

How can something be sold out 30 seconds in?

Welcome to Woot


They only sell 10 of these at a time.

My issue is we have some of the best clickers in the west here and are super planned and yet none of us can still get one. How is this possible. Not seeing a lot of I got one in these. Just all sadness.

I have gotten 2 BoCs after getting VoPā€™d

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Is it faster to check the forums or the sellout page?

I havenā€™t seen any LE BOCS when Iā€™ve been wildy refreshing on the sellout page


I have this Woot jpg in my reaction folder. Edit: oops itā€™s a png.

So dumb. Selling a few hundred over shorter intervals is better. 10 at a time is going straight to trackers and bots.

I got a BOC earlier today after being in VOP for almost a minute.

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