LeakFrog 2-Pack

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - Saving Woot prices for decades to come

LeakFrog 2-Pack
$12.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 2 Leakfrog

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!


I swear they were 2 for $9.99 in Feb

yessssssssssss leakfrog

how about the wootalyzer? im using the wootalyzer and my internet keeps freezing

Aw…they’re so CUTE!!! and 2 of them, too!

People are always asking for these, so let’s see if they sell out quickly.


they will have a thousand of these. i guess that is it for the night


I bought a set of these last woot off but one arrived doa :frowning:

I can go the rest of my life with never seeing another leak frog. I’d rather buy crappy calenders.

[QUOTE=madcran, post:1, topic:142379]

and will be here for at least an hour…just a drunk tired guess though…

I need not the leak, for 'tis a desert I abode.

Awesome to death. Thanks for the dinnerbreak Woot!

woot must be the only one keeping the leakfrog in business

Riddle me this Woot, What can find a puddle for 6$

they are gone…

Yes! I got one! Long Live the LeakFrog!!!

diddo give me a dryfrog ,then we’ll talk deals.