
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the fabled come to life

Does anyone else out therre see this cute little frog sitting in a puddle or has the lack of sleep caused by this latest woot-off caused me to become delerious??

Far from it, and who actually gives a flying …

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the fabled come to life

Woot servers are melting!!!

Confused, WOOT is!!! mmmm???

Does anyone else out therre see this cute little frog sitting in a puddle or has the lack of sleep caused by this latest woot-off caused me to become delerious??

What’s going on? First the MP3 player, then the watch, then the leak frog, then back to the watch. Have the WootGods finally cracked?

and this is NOT MAC compatible…

Ahhhh Doc you gotta help me I’ve got Leak Frogs flashing infront of my eyes!!!

I sense a distrubance in the force.


The woot checkers are getting so confused…

This shit needs to get fixed. I wanted a damn mp3 player. And a frog. lol

I think Woot was effing with us by putting the LF up for just a couple of seconds. Notice how none were sold?

really buggy woot-off

I think that leak frog is crap. However, I know someone who bought one to deal with an area in his house that has water issues, and he loves it.

During a woot-off though, it’s crap.

This guy I know laughed at me when I said I’d bought these a few months ago. Then his basement flooded last month, and he wrote asking if I could please send him one. I sent him a link to the regular store :slight_smile:

Pretty sure this dissappeared, and will re appear after the watch, and the woot off will be over. This is my prediction of the day. BOOO