LED Rocket Night Flyers 6-Pack

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! We want to be the kings of slow shipping. You’re damaging our reputation!

Nah, Mother Amazon took away that reputation. Days of SmartPost are long gone.

Exactly what I thought when I saw the item! I must add my teen-aged son and daughter went gaga over these the first night we saw them being demonstrated for tourists in Florence this past June. Not so much when we also saw them nightly thereafter in Rome and Venice, too. They were selling for several Euros apiece or whatever you could bargain a bagful for - best we managed was about 6 for 9 or 10 Euros. Although cheaply made, they ARE entertaining and most of the ones we bought withstood being launched over and over and over.

You can buy 24 of these on Amazon for about the same price. Free shipping with Prime.

I think the description is wrong, it says it is visible for a quarter mile, more like a warning to stay a quarter mile away from trees. My kids got some similar ones and the slightest breeze will take them far away.

I hoped you wouldn’t mind me making your address into a link.:slight_smile:

I got similar toys in Chicago this past Summer. The guy was shooting them in the air and the girl was handing them out and collecting the cash. $5.00 each they were. I bought two for the “kids”. After hanging out with them for a few I was able to find out what he paid for them. It was about $.25 each in quantities of like 10000. He goes all over the country in a RV selling these dang things. Livin’ the dream he told me.

Probably not a good idea to send one up at a sports stadium and cause a panic.

Waste of money if someone would be crazy enough to pay the so called list price I’ve got a bridge to sell them.The elastic is very weak couldn’t get the stupid things more than 30 ft in the air lights.One of them snapped when I pulled it back and the hook nailed my finger &%#$@f%# that hurt.Made in China garbage DON’T BUY

(10 pack) As low as $3.99 w/ free shipping on Amazon.