Lenovo N21 11" Intel 16GB Chromebooks

Lenovo N21 11" Intel 16GB Chromebooks

i bought one of these last time expecting it to be a little dinged up, but it looked like mine had been dragged across a driveway. Probably these were used in a school for a year and you can imagine the condition of one of those. Just so you know…

Yeah, not “factory” refurbed = “used.” Scraped up from schools and sprayed with Lysol! If you’re lucky, you’ll get one with “I love Austin” on it in pink nail polish!

Seriously, my Lenovo refurb was OK, but the keyboard was very worn and failed. However I have never seen another more repairable unit, even with online instructions from Lenovo!

How does Grade A differ from Scratch & Dent?

Fewer scratches and dents.

Before buying an older Chromebook, look at when it reaches end of life for ChromeOS updates:

The Lenovo 21 reaches end of life June 2020

If you’re looking to use a cheap chromebook after it’s no longer getting updates, and you’re technically inclined, check out GalliumOS, a Linux distro designed for chromebooks:

Or look in the specs where we stated this. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: