Lenovo X131e 11.6" 16GB Chromebook (S&D)

Lenovo X131e 11.6" 16GB Chromebook (S&D)

No updates? No thanks…

Before buying an older Chromebook, look at when it reaches end of life for ChromeOS updates:

Lenovo ThinkPad X131e reached end of life a year ago, June 2018

If you’re looking to use a cheap chromebook after it’s no longer getting updates, and you’re technically inclined, check out GalliumOS, a Linux distro designed for chromebooks:

Or look in the specs where we stated this. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I can see it indeed is. In the future, maybe a bit more prominent placement? If the features page is going to talk about how great and easy ChromeOS is, maybe a note that it’s End of Life already, or this month, somewhere besides a separate tab below the fold?

Features page:

Chrome OS takes the stress out of updates and anti-virus software. With automatic updates you’ll always have the latest software.

Specs Page:

Chrome OS Auto-Update Expiration Date: June 2018

Very good point. I’ll ask the computer team to remove or revise that paragraph.

Yep. Personally didn’t notice when I bought mine. Thankfully it’s supported for another year.