
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Wednesday, Apr 19 to Thursday, Apr 20) + transit
Condition: Musically Crappy


Buy It](LesCraperables-iii-9sd8jd8-iii) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/amazon.png

Search Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=LesCraperables-iii-9sd8jd8-iii) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/google.png

Search Google](LesCraperables-iii-9sd8jd8-iii - Google Shopping)

Did you miss it? Here are some Crappy Tips

1. Stay Logged In - When the current item reaches 5%, log out of woot and log back in to keep your session fresh
2. Keep your cart clean - Clear out any sold out items from your cart
3. Use WootStalker - It significantly increases your chances

YES!!! Got it! In for the disappointment :slight_smile:

Bandoleer of carrots!!!

Got one!

Scored one!

Yay got one

Got one!!

That one was up for a while!

I was getting worried it wasn’t happening today. Then the Woot Gods showed mercy and I got one! Now just to wait for my BAG of disappointment. :slight_smile:

Oh. Wow. Got one despite having to log in. I am in shock.

22 hours and $500 later I bagged my first free range Bag of Crap!

Yes almost at 100 items I’m better than you!!

woohoo! I gotta crap!

Got One. Can’t wait for the crap.

Got one (from today’s haul) finally. My birthday wish for the day came true

Got a coupon and a bag of crap tonight. Best night ever!! lol

Got one…bring on the waves of utter disappointment. I can take it.

Oh man! Scored one! I wonder if it will be musical themed, get a Jonas brother alarm clock again…

draggin my poor empty Woot cart through the store

The VOP has been cruel to me today.

Since I’m not musically inclined, I’m sure this will not disappoint…living up to its name…Bag of Crap!