Lexmark X3470 Mutifunction Printer

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Lexmark X3470 Mutifunction Printer
$34.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Lexmark X3470 Mutifunction Printer

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New Lexmark X3470 Mutifunction Printer, for $34.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Lexmark X3470 Mutifunction Printer

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Kill me…

this came up before

Wow what a peice…

EDIT: Not First. :frowning:

first, as usual


o yay!


probably doesn’t have a usb cord

Come on baby, mommy needs a brand new bag (of you-know-what!)

Ack! Another printer X_X


o yay!

everyone should buy 7

someone is introuble…posting same product twice!

Lexmark Malfunction Printer…pass!