LifeCHARGE Table Lamp PowerPack (10,000 & 4,000mAh)

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LifeCHARGE Table Lamp PowerPack (10,000 & 4,000mAh)
Price: $24.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Wednesday, Dec 21 to Monday, Dec 26) + transit
Condition: New


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Search Google](LifeCHARGE - Google Shopping Table Lamp PowerPack (10,000 +%26 4,000mAh))

All the reviews for this item on Amazon are from people who received it free in exchange for their reviews. So, take the Amazon rating with a few grains of salt.

Product Page


true, but a lot of those reviews say that their review is unbiased oh and also honest and we all know that a dishonest person can not lie and say they are honest. so take that :wink:

What if I grab them by the toe and then ask where their pot of gold is, and also whether they are a cop?

Then Woot should give the list price as $0 instead of 59.99.

I do not have this product, but I do have 2 of the Life Charge 16,800 Power Banks that I bought in September 2014. Both of those chargers have worked well, so I would think that if you need a PowerPack, this would not be a bad option.

I did not receive the product at no charge, and would recommend it anyway :slight_smile: