Liquid Image Goggle Camera - 1080p

Would these goggles be good for airsoft? By that I mean would the lenses sustain airsoft bb’s without cracking the lenses. Also will the camera get damaged if it is shot by an unlucky bb?

Can you get a tinted lens for alpine skiing or boarding?

From the Liquid Image website: Lenses are not ANSI rated for Airsoft or Paintball.
ANSI rated safety goggles or full face masks are required for safety.

From the Liquid Image website: Lenses are not ANSI rated for Airsoft or Paintball.
ANSI rated safety goggles or full face masks are required for safety.

Hmm, do they make these for underwater? I need a pair for Hawaii next year…just in case I’m attacked by a great white shark while snorkeling. I mean, the colorful fish are nice and all, but a shark attack on video is priceless!

Yes – but these are not the droids you are looking for – these are:

Are these not for underwatrer? I haven’t looked them up but I thought that was what these particular goggles were for. They dont have the right tints to be snow goggles.
