LivSure Water Tester

dam you beat me to the punchline :stuck_out_tongue:

it means buy 3 but dont use them yourself except to see if your water can transmit electricity and at what resistance.

damn, I wasted my 50th post on you.

Awesome, when we are in Mexico one of these will mean the difference between spending the day at the pool or on the potty:)

95% of people who get sick from water is usually because of bacteria in the water. so i say if you boil the water from unknown source. you are probably 95% safer than if you drink it uncookedā€¦

Boil not only kill most bacterias in water, it also get rid of chlorine (because Chlorineā€™s Boiling point is way below waterā€™s so it vaporize way before water does.)

That why if you are in the wood (camping) you should always boil your water!

Another wordā€¦it wonā€™t matter what this testing device is telling meā€¦I will boil my water when I go campingā€¦

HAHA ok now I want oneā€¦

This would be fun. I did my internship at a water desalination plant, to kill some time Iā€™d test TDS at various stages of the plant as well as from bottled water etcā€¦ I know Iā€™d mess around with one of these for at least a day or twoā€¦
What this is really doing is testing the conductivity of the water then converting it to TDS in mg/L or ppm.
The only real way of determining TDS of water is through evaporation with the use of a drying oven.

If you depend on this toy, you WILL spend the day on the potty. This ainā€™t going to give you the info you need. Anyway, enjoy your time south of the border.


I get what these do. Theyā€™re five dollar pieces of junk that uses emoticons to tell you if your water is safe. I donā€™t think theyā€™re supposed to be taken too seriously.

So what kind of emoticon face does it give if I test my pee?


Measuring the Total Dissolved Solids means almost nothing in regards to health of water. The real problems you need to worry about are things like bacterial contamination and giardia. A high number on a TDS meter looks worse than it could be, or might be telling you that you have only a VERY TINY amount of, say, uranium or mercury.

Useless without further followup testing performed by a professional.


Iā€™m in for two. I thought I had every gadget, but I guess I donā€™t. Might as well get one for the car, and one for the home. Not sure what the heck Iā€™m a good do with it. Just go around testing water for ss and g*s I guess.

Although there was this one restaurant I use to go, the water they would serve was THE worst. It tasting like a dirty sweat sock. Not that I know what one tastes like, but I can imagine by the smel.

Iā€™d be interesting to see what kind of face I got. Hopefully a frowny face, cuz thatā€™s the face I made when I tasted it for the first time.

:D, :), :I, :$, X( ??
How can it be more scientific than that?

The smiley face turns yellow.

I donā€™t think this thing would help anyone out camping. If you are backpacking and your only source of water is a stream, lake, river, spring, or other local water source your biggest concerns arenā€™t going to be about particulate matter. Once again, if you are heading to Mexico and want to avoid Montezumaā€™s Revenge, this isnā€™t going to help much either.

If you backpack, then you already know you need to boil your water. If you frequent Mexico then you already know you should stick with liquor.

good price for a try! Im in

Yeahā€¦ sureā€¦ but nobodyā€™s asked the most important questionā€¦


You want a unit that tests for everything, go spend a couple grand on Google Shopping. You want a fun toy to discuss around the watercooler at work, buy one of these suckers for five bucks. Remember, this is WOOT! not Hammacher Schlemmer.

Anyway, who drinks plain old boring water these days? Iā€™m a Dr. Pepper man myself. Itā€™s cheaper than most bottled waters. It tastes better than bottled water. Itā€™s safer to drink than tap water (especially down in Old Mexico!). You know whatā€™s in it, unlike tap water which has lately proven to include arsenic, sewage, lead, and even large amounts of pharmacuticals. Itā€™s made from 23 delicious flavors. Drink Dr. Pepper, proud sponsor of the Big XII Championship Football Game coming in December. And donā€™t forget to play 1-in-6 wins on specially marked bottles and cartons.

(No animals were injured in the making of this commercial.)

2 AAA batteries? woot! Iā€™m in, lol!

what brand are the batteries, and what type?

I have a backyard pond. Periodically, it loses water to evaporation, and also to spillage when the damned raccoons decide to raid it. I top it off with water from the hose. When should I worry about doing an actual water change?

ā€“ answer, when the total dissolved solids trends up.

Iā€™m in.

I drink DI water