Lobeman Earpiece FM Radio – 2-Pack

That makes it stereo

FM radio is so 90’s :stuck_out_tongue:

Congratulations, this might win for Worst Woot '07.

This would have been cool, say, as a prize for selling the most cookies/popcorn/wrapping paper back in the 80s.

I own one of these. They’re solid, for what they are, but they won’t replace your iPod (or anything similar).

And they eat batteries just a hair too quick for my liking.

But, for $10 for 2? Can’t really go completely wrong. It does play FM radio and it does get decent reception.

They look much nicer than these old-school woots.


FM??? Now, if these were satellite radio receivers, we might have something we could actually use in this century. But FM? Come on Woot, this is so 20th century.

Description says it is wireless, so why do I see a wire dangling?

Yes! You need two for Stereo…

Sweet, these will leave enough room in my pocket for my Rubik’s Cube! LAME

Interesting item… I sorta gotta wonder about batteries… Probably button batteris… Alittle too expensive for a radio… However, I do not listen to much radio… Would like to see one for XM however… :slight_smile:

No woot tonight… Back to work… See you all later on.

Wireless? What’s with the wire pictured at the bottom of it?

Worse woot shipped via smart post for $5 at that.

Luckily for him, Lobeman has never encountered Bluetooth.

But do you have XM in your lobe?

Ground Control: Major Tom, we have go for launch.
Major Tom: Hold on, this woot will scrap the whole mission!

Can some over-65 park-sitting pigeon-feeder tell me if they last better than they look?

wow…maybe Wednesday they’ll have Atari 2600 cartridge games for sale

My guess is that it goes to the battery compartment.

Looks like we need to the button batters (CR1234 or something). One every 20 hours can set you back by $3 every time…???

WOW, now I can fool everybody into thinking I have one of those cool wireless Bluetooth adapters for my ultra cool cell phone (or 21st century walkie-talkie!)

Barf, BOO, Belch!
Hang up and drive… and listen to FM radio…