Logitech QuickCam Messenger WebCam

This web cam crap isn’t funny anymore…

YES!!! Just what I wanted!!! Another Webcam, thank god.!!!

Wasn’t this on earlier today…?

Sweet. A webcam.

another webcam?


How many web cams can there be…???/

does ups deliver these?

goodnight i’ll buy the stuff some other time i need my sexy sleep

does this work with visat

I’m speechless.

You have to be kidding me…

i got one of these for free for signing up for comcast internet


you need a Pentium II to run this? How do you expect anyone to be able to do that?

lol, 10th webcam for the day.

i cant believe its still going! craaazy!
its just all so exciting.

skipping quadruple suck and right to pentasuckage!

webcams and heart monitors.

sheesh, what a woot off.

AW COME ON!!! another fucking webcam?

13 webcam?