Lost Forever

This looks beautiful, but thing is - if you look closely and follow the pattern - it isn’t a möbius strip, it’s just a slightly wobbled two-sided band! For there is no turn or twist in the band at the front, to my eyes! It just seems as if it might be, and is made of cool gold square greek-key-ish patterns to confuse us!

^^ True ,true.

Congrats, Lag. Glad to see your design getting proper recognition. Keep up the good work!

Grats on your first print Lagbert

Congrats on your road to nowhere being printed lagbert.
“Well we know where we’re going
But we don’t know where we’ve been”

Is anyone else feeling a little loopy?

All this talk of labyrinths is giving me the need to read House of Leaves.

Success! … I’m lost

Congratulations, Lagbert! I liked this design the most in this derby and I’m really glad it printed!

it’s…a double mobius reach-around…

I clearly need another in my life, how can it not get me closer to that intangible point of satisfaction?

Kind of wish there was a line that made it all the way around, but still a sweet design

are we sure that this wasn’t made by theinfinityloop?

hm, well if not, then congrats on your first print!

It’s been said at least twice already…I don’t see the twist…it’s not a Mobius strip…kinda disappointing.

But there is only one side.

Clever design, Lagbert. Congrats on your first print!

“Mobius” sounds like a cartoon super villain, and this shirt is probably what his henchmen would wear on their off days.

Hey, congrats Lagbert! I find it hard to believe this is your first print. Long overdue, my friend. :^)

A klein glass made of rubber!

Congrats on the first win! :slight_smile:

Yay! Lagbert!

Congrats! I’m really happy for you!

Congrats on the print. I’ve been enjoying a lot of your artwork lately.