Love of Money

*My ticket into the Shirts on Sale Sad Rat Race

Missed it today? Buy it Here Tomorrow

interesting… thought this would be 2nd by a lot. congrats.

cute but for kids, goodnight

Congrats Beefcoat!! Very good idea and brown was a good shirt color choice :slight_smile:

Wow! Didn’t think this was gonna be first. Con-GRATULATIONS!!!

I’m going to wait to see what the rest of the fog holds… some other juicy shirts coming up!

sweeeeet! was hoping this one would win.

Grats to the artist! In for 2!

I wanted the penguin… :(. Maybe it’ll be 2nd or 3rd.

Not at all what I thought would win. This sucks. Hopefully the 2nd place winner will be the theif taking from the cop. None for me please…

Not for me but congratulations anyway.

In for 1 :]

Like the shirt, but what can brown do for you?

Wasn’t expecting this one to win. Oh well, we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

this little piggy went to market… great job. cute but gets the point across.

agreed. Shiney things was pretty cool too

a little too kiddish for me…but nice design

very cute! i think i’m in for one.

I agree cute for kids :confused: niters

I wanted the penguin one as well, but whatever, ill be back tommrow/or the next day.

and congrats on winning :wink: