Lunch Trays

Nah, we are all poor.

But funny, heh…

Always carry a few around with you. Randomly hand them to strangers and walk away.

Friend used to sled down the carpeted hallways at work.

alternately, you could carry one, walk down a sidewalk in a busy area, and suddenly start freaking out as if the tray were a poisonous snake or other terrifying thing. Wildly juggle it as if it were attacking you. Drop it, scream, back away terrified screaming all the while. Run away.

hey! I do that to peoples shopping carts ni the grocery store…


I have used them to make lap desks. Get a travel size pillow and hot glue it to the recessed side of the tray. Flip it over so the pillow sits in your lap and use the flat surface as a mini-desk.

I’m thinking you want some trays?

I’d take some too! They come in handy at work.

you could run cords through a few to create hanging shelves from the ceiling… or use posts and build regular shelves… or you could put legs on them and turn them into tv tray tables

you could make furniture & decorative accents. Go to Roomba contest for inspiration.

Or you could sent them to Fenstar

There is a really cool bathroom in [link=]the city museum in st. louis (one of the world’s neatest attractions)[/link] that has walls made of joined steamer bins. The kind that kept food hot in a cafeteria. It is really wild. I imagine the right kind of lunch trays would make an interesting and translucent wall.