M.A.D. Foods Aux Délices des Bois Butters

M.A.D. Foods Aux Délices des Bois Butters

So this is what Nicki Minaj was singing about? So confused.

WELL…not exactly. I still remember the slow smile we got when telling an accountant for a major supermarket chain that we were in the truffle butter biz. I guess we just didn’t look the part :slight_smile:
Top a steak, an omelet, a grain bowl, a salmon filet…with any of these butters to turn everyday foods into elegant feasts. No kidding! And they freeze…defrost…freeze with no sacrifice in texture or taste.

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I dare you to google the urban dictionary definition of truffle butter. I’d advise not from work.

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Or just click here for delicious recipes.

How much actual truffles are in the truffle butters?

About 5%. The butter we use is always 82% or higher, Euro-style. The higher the fat, the better it carries the flavor. So every morsel tastes like truffle .