MacVision 256MB MP3 Headphones

Bah hurry up and sell out I want more woot off

I can tell. :slight_smile:

This looks like an amazing buy. I would love to own at least three pairs of these. But alas, my credit card is over it’s limit. You all should buy me at least three pairs of these.

As it did, I.

howdy kippy!

I aint gots not stinkin Mac… what good are these? GEEZEE!

alrighty then, can you post your address and phone number so I know where to send these?

Kids to Father: “Daddy, why do people laugh at you all the time?”
Father to Kids: “Well kids, I bought these 256MB MP3 Headphones from Woot…”
Kids to Father: “We want to go live with Mommy if your gonna wear that crap in public.”

Speak into the mic please. I can’t hear you.

I own two pairs of these amazing sound quality, definite must buy guys, Plus the ladies think they are sexy when you wear them, So buy three and give some to your friends when you go to the bar or club!!!

You know, that guy…named…Trent?

Pics? I don’t buy anything for anyone without pics :smiley:

sentence structure, strange.

well, hello stranger! i was wondering if you’d put in an appearance!

lead singer on Nine inch nails…

After this product, the company changed it’s name… “Mac Vision, soon to become Nexstar…”

Another brand name to watch (out) for… Nexstar!

Underware gnomes … that would be a great Woot!

You will never get to 3 woots if you discourage everyone from buying the crap!

What I learned from wasting a day on a Woot-off:

  1. Woot-off is like watching a car wreck: Most of the things you see are horrible, you hear a lot of dumass comments and questions, you know you should be going somewhere else, doing something else… yet you can’t help but stand around and watch.

  2. Even pictarz of cute LOLcatz become not funny… and eventually become down-right annoying.

  3. Every post has to contain lame (and long since not funny) comment such as “where are the legs”, “does it work on mac”, “don’t want”, yada yada. Lame.

  4. No work is getting done and most of the crap is not worth wasting time wating around for.

  5. Many of the woot-off items are like broccolis - you don’t want, yet you have to have some just to get to the “desert” part, yet “desert” part doesn’t come. It’s just another broccoli, packaged in a different wrapper.

  6. “Don’t want” comments and pictures get old after about… 5 minutes. the rest of the time, you just wish you could strangle someone.

  7. Crap you buy: minute after you clicked “commit to buy”, someone posted either a) link same crap sold cheaper
    b) someone stating that crap you bought is crap like no other
    c) crap you bought is not compatible with your Vector water toaster and toejam boiler appliance.
    d) or a very valid reason why you shouldn’t have bought that crap

  8. Headhurtage is directly proportional to the number of times you hit F5 key

I think I’ll stop for now with this rant. I’m leaving and taking my soap box with me!