MasterChef Duracut 16pc Kitchen Knife Set with Cutting Board


I love how my Vista Side application is faster than my browser

Are these knives made of paper?

Any good?


these are terrible knives.


All shud go into bags of craps and be done with it.

pretty sure this is the same price they where originally sold for.

C’mon gimme 3 good things and my *.woot total goes up to 26 and I get a black square!

you guys trust us with knives??? We’ll cut ourselves when we dont’ get our BOC’s

where’s the ginsu set?

Who the hell wants knives? This should be illegal or something

In b4 Roomba

What? No.

Most people I talk to say these are crap and will only last you a few months before they go dull. Not my own review, so who knows.

how much was it before?

Mother’s day gift?

These knives are decent. I have access to a set.

Kinda cool, needs a block for them to go in to though. Who has that much drawer space available. I’d just cut my fingers off anyway.