Mastrad 5-Piece Top Chip Kit

I thought the same thing.

No, it’s da Bears.

In the part of Minnesota I’m from, those Lutefisk chips might actually sell. Too bad the recipe’s not included.

I think this is the product website, with 2 other videos. 1 general video, 1 with “testimonials”: but a different package there, with only 1 tray but other items with it.

If the name mastrad sounds familiar, they sold those silicone steamers on sellout woot before (I know, I bought the microwave steamers). It’s a company out of France: but they don’t sell the chip kit on that site, but the separate site above.

I was trying to figure out what to use my jumbowoot reward on, this might be it.

I’m skeptical about microwave chips, but this could be worth it for the mandoline alone, which the Pampered Chef version does not include.

Remember: Forest fires prevent bears!

I considered going in for one, but not at this price. I would have gone $14.99 +$5 but not $26.99 + $5. Sorry Woot. :frowning:

Can we still be friends?

I’m confused how anyone could see the thumbnail of this and not think “bear trap.” Gatzby, I think you’re in bear-trap denial.

this has to be one of the best product discussion threads ever…despite the bear trap.

You know, I had to watch that video and now I’m back over the fence. I think it was the crunch in the video that put me back there, but that could have easily been dubbed in according to the rational part of my brain. The thing that got my though was the variety of chips shown in the video.

I love the chips made by the Terra company, but those go for at least $2.99 a bag for plain old sweet potato, and up to almost $6 a bag for a mix of different root vegetable chips. If you think of it in those terms, and under estimate at $2 a bag of chips, it pays for itself quite quickly if you eat a lot of chips.

Also, if I eat greasy things I get awful heartburn. I’m intrigued at the thought of skipping the consequences of indulging in one of my favorite snacks. Some brands of chips are so much of an oil slick it makes me have to vomit to feel better (I’m looking at you CVS brand chips).

Still, I’d like to know from someone who has this, they mentioned that you can make fruit chips on it, does that include banana chips? Also, does this work as a microwave food dehydrator, because I almost feel it actually is worth the money if so. Dehydrators are so ridiculously expensive, and if this could be used as a dehydrator I think I’s be sold.

I was totally down with the bear trap. I have to use up 3 bottles of Todd’s Dirt seasoning somehow right? A microwave chip maker? Not so much.

Yeah, it makes my skin crawl. Sorry to do that to you.

I wonder how much money Smokey put into those advertisements just to get humans to make the forest safe for bears…

Smokey Bear is the 1%.

This is the only other place I can find customer reviews so far, looks like the same product: Amazon, $20 for 2, 6 reviews, > 4 stars:

Edit: 2 positive reviews, same price for 1 tray, vs. the $26.99 for 3 trays today:


I thought it was people who didn’t know when to use apostrophes…

anyway, I have the version of this sold by pampered chef. It actually works pretty good. And it actually only takes about 5 minutes from taking a potato out of the bag until they’re crispy out of the microwave.

+1 on getting yourself a refillable olive oil mister, definitely makes them tastier and crispier.

Makes great apple chips for the kids to snack on too!

Another positive note about the pampered chef version, their warranty is great. If an item breaks or fails, just call up or email the rep, and they take care of ordering a replacement for free.

Actually, I think this is scarier.


Yeah, seems a bit pricey. I’d expect to pay much less if it were a deal. I already have a nice mandoline, an oven, and cookie sheets that work really well for making chips. Would probably give it a shot if the price was right, although I can make a crap load of chips in the oven in one shot. Using this product would take much longer and more energy for making large batches, but it might be nice for a quick snack in 3 minutes in the microwave or keeping the kids busy around sharp objects.

Wooters, do NOT google this. Allow me. It is simply an irrational fear of clustered holes. I do not have this fear.

However, Google likes to show you images of holes in the skin caused by a bot fly or skin condition. Not cool, Google.