Men's Underwear: Fly or No Fly?


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How ‘bout more wings!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I just chuckled at today’s monkey chat. love that Mortie-Glad he has a heavy coat!!!:star_struck:


I’m all for hurdling the wall… rather do that than worry about getting my “fingers” slammed in the door when it’s closing :wink:

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I literally have no idea if any of mine have a fly or not. For some reason i find that very disturbing.


Season 4 Premiere GIF by This Is Us


Now i cant stop thinking about it

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mockingjay part 2 im losing my mind GIF


Nigeria GIF by GIPHY News

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I will freely tell you the many reasons why.

#1. Slobs. Dirty slobs who don’t flush and pee all over the seat and floor because they try to hover over the seat in hopes of not catching anything from the toilet seat.
#2. Ladies like me who carry Lysol cleaning wipes, gloves, baby wipes and my own toilet seat covers. This process has already wasted about 5 minutes and I haven’t even tinkled yet… And, heck if there isn’t a purse hook. Then, I have to make a clean spot for my purse.
#3. Selfish women who know the line is long and since they waited, they feel entitled to touch up their makeup and make a few phone calls while in the stall.
#4. Bulimics. It’s real folks and they are usually trying not to make any sounds to draw attention to themselves to it takes a while.
#5. Poop. Women are like cats. We don’t want to be watched when we poop, we flush 1000 times to avoid smell and sound. Then, the whole cleaning process begins which would make Monk proud.
#6. Chemical Substance Abusers. They are feeling high or weird and just want to sit down and hide.
#7. Moms. Exhausted mom with 4 kids stuffed inside the stall trying to keep all of them from touching anything, fighting, licking the handles, laying on bathroom floor, etc. Then Mom figures she should take this opportunity to make each one of the children try to go so she won’t have to return in 5 minutes.
#8. I’m out of time and have to return to tasks at hand… I’ll try to edit and finish later, but I may forget.

Toilet Paper Cat GIF by Libby VanderPloeg


ooookay. We had such angelic pristine images of our better halves. :astonished:


Some of us wear a belt.




Approval Agree GIF


Honey bee

What’s underwear?

You’re supposed to say, “Under there!”
Then, one replies, “Under Where?”
Then you laugh and snort and point and say…“You just said UNDERWEAR!!!”

Then, you turn 40 and stop using that joke.


59 replies. F’ing hilarious! :rofl:

No fly. No escape hatch for my hose to show itself off. I guess those who desire an escape hatch don’t have a big enough hose to climb over the fence. :see_no_evil:

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