Merry Garden Traditional Rocking Chair, White

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Merry Garden Traditional Rocking Chair, White
Price: $94.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Friday, Apr 22 to Monday, Apr 25) + transit
Condition: New


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4.1 Stars over at Amazon

Why would I want to sit in this? Wood chairs splinter my butt.

How wide is the interior portion of the seat? (In other words, how big of a rear end can the chair accommodate?)

I don’t like it when the product details generate questions.

Features say “Made out of tropical acacia hardwood”

Specs say “Material: Other Wood”

As it is painted white, is the vendor free to supply it in any variety of wood they find? The name has Garden in it. Is the chair rated for use in the garden & be subject to elements? The warranty is only one year. Almost any wood will withstand weather for one year when painted.

50% off who’s retail price? Lowe’s and Home Depot constantly have these for $99, assembled. Same as here with shipping. I guess these are a better deal if you want that fresh from China smell…

I had to look up acacia wood the last time they offered it as the vendor was trying to play it off as cedar.

If I recall correctly, it’s an asian relative of our North American pines, grows much faster. Excellent durability to the weather and bugs don’t like to eat it. Not a bad wood overall, but it is foreign, and given that North America is the leading provider of wood to the world, I question why it is made/sourced overseas at all.