Michelin Smart Jumper Cables with Automatic Polarity Adjustment

exactly what i was looking for!

Bought these last time, but they didn’t help me with my coding. Not that smart, then.

$5 cheaper than before…

what the hell?
I kept hitting I want one and it kept refreshing the screen. That was crap.

i needed some and then it sells out after 1 min

I want this me thinks not…

Not enough quantity to even have time to buy. Feels like the last 4 seconds of an eBay Auction.

First! I’ve never been first before!
Thank you, Wootalyzer!!!

Now if only I could get in on a Bag of Crap…

if you’re in CA you can have mine! No longer have the car I needed it for…

Did you buy too much wine and then couldn’t afford car insurance?

I don’t live in CA, but i’d take them off your hands. Seriously.

Which computer port to they connect to?