Milano Collection 5x8 Persian Style Rug

These rugs feel great on the taint, in for 3

I dunno they give COLOR OPTIONS… this may take a while… bah.

niiiiiiice :slight_smile:

A new fantastic point of woot…

Almost all woot-offs have a bag, “typically” 3:30-6:30 p.m. eastern time, recently closer to 5 p.m. on the second day. This is typical, not a rule.

in for 1, next item please -_-

What happens if nobody wants them?!

You don’t need this rug to fly high, visit a whole new world… I’m pulling it off with a couch and some Spicy fries… and it’s amazing :wink: So… should I stay awake and hope for a BOC? Nah… plus it’s getting harder and harder to find WiFi up here :stuck_out_tongue:

It would seem that there are at least two – one of each color…

Hrmmmm… this is a good place to start my sleeping for the night.

He believes the culprits might be the very people who, uh, soiled your rug, and you are in a unique position to confirm or disconfirm that suspicion.

I may just buy it to get it off the board!

I’ll buy one if someone sends me $184.98…

I’ll buy ten if you will…

Well, I guess we could have them change the color of the rug and see how many more people wont buy them!

Everybody’s dog needs at least three!

sigh the bar hasn’t moved

If it weren’t Romanian wool, I’d be in for three.

how do I get to the list that tell’s what all has been in the woot-off so far?

Figure I’ll find somethin’ to read while I wait for the rug to sell.

Is this compatible with Mac … and Cheese?