Modern Myths IV


Ah, not a squid but a Kraken. Love the style + detail, the Cap vs. Hydra one in this series is one of my favorite shirts, but not so keen on the foundation reference (Game of Thrones).

Really nice GoT shirt. Great timing for April 12th season opener. :slight_smile: I just wonder which one wins.

Cool contrast and complexity. Congrats!

Great work, good to see you’re still around, Ste7enl!

No stag? How can you dismiss the glory that is Stannis the Mannis?

This is right up there with the original Modern Myths- Awesome series Steven- Way to make GOT seem even more epic.

Who does a guy have to know to get the graphic printed on the REVERSE SIDE of this, and other tee-shirts?

Very cool design! GoT mega fan here

Glad you like the other one. The goal with this series has always been to create art that can stand without knowledge of the inspiration. I don’t think it matters if people know or like the origin of this design, if they like the style.

I figured the dragon heads were King Ghidorah and the squid was Gezora but I guess this is Game of Thrones related based on the comments. Oh well, it was almost a nice kaiju shirt. :slight_smile: