Monte Woot Pillow

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Monte Woot Pillow
Price: $14.14
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard (Free with Prime)
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Friday, Jul 20 to Wednesday, Jul 25) + transit
Condition: New


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My daughter would either go ape over this, or be traumatized for life.

Lunch time? Yup.

Like I said when this was on the app:

Come back to me when you offer all 3 pillows at once, and THEN I’ll consider them.

(After all, if I didn’t buy them when only 2 of the 3 were available, why would I only buy it when one kind is available?)

Same with the unicorn pillows. But with this I would take two for $15.

Wait, this has to be crap right?

The quality? Not sure. :laughing:

(Fun fact though: When this was on the app last week, people were buying the B0C pillow, because they thought it actually was a B0C.)

Looks like Mortimor to me.

It’s crap, but “Made in America” crap!

Well then I guess I have to cancel. I mean come on, Screaming Monty pillow priced at $14.14???

That was this pillow:

Who said anything about screaming? :thinking:

I challenge you to find one cheaper.


aww man! I missed a pillow with my picture on it. :frowning: