Motorola 5.8Ghz Dual Handset Cordless Phone and Digital Answering Machine

Who really uses home phones anymore anyway?

Apparently woot thinks we need a new set every few days…just so each room in our house is covered with 2.

Not bad, too bad I’m poor.

No more Wang!

I mean No more Refurbs!

An expensive refurbished item

Crap more phones

ew, refurbs, I retract my earlier comment

ugh, another phone???

BOC Please!!!

Nice, but no land line phones in my house. Next please! =)

Another phone? sigh


uh… spent to much money between a jornada from tiger, and that whatch… and my phone is still kickin, so no go, but motorolla phone! WOOOOOOOOOT! ( my cell is motorolla, still kicks, even after massive abuse from the last two years, going on three)

Kind of ugly~

Hello. Who’s this? Oh, another phone woot, bah…buh-bye!


nice phones …good price

dont delete me…motorolla=? I like Uniden

Phones are useful for calling those you love.

Good Phones, SHITTY battery life.

I have the same model… the battery life sucks. And even after two days on the cradle it keeps charging… !!!

Thanks for the deal though.

nite nite.

NO NO NO, stop with the phones, lets get some good stuff, Come On.

man I am sick of phones I got homework to do.

you coming to the whore thread 2nite?