Motorola Bluetooth USB Dongle

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Motorola Bluetooth USB Dongle
$1.49 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

Product List:

  • 1 Motorola SYN0717A Bluetooth USB Dongle

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New Motorola Bluetooth USB Dongle, for $1.49 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Motorola SYN0717A Bluetooth USB Dongle

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seems fair, lowest ive seen a dongle was $5 after $10MIR or something.

In for one. I can use this with one of the printers in my classroom at work.

meh… boring. great deal, but I would rather have a mini bluetooth adapter that supports 2.0

I love Danny Kaye! I can’t believe he became part of a woot write-up!

in for three

Nice use of a song from Fallout 3…

But no thanks.

I have no idea what I’ll do with 3 of these, but I can’t help myself.

in for 7

1.1 No thanks.

Where’s my Bluetooth shanty?
I’m a little disappointed now.

Does it work with Mac?

(really! I have an older mac with no built-in bluetooth)

These are pretty much free.

In 4 3 Thanks Great Deal

Beat me to it. Someone has been playing in the Capital Wasteland too much.

Very nice price, but still not something I need quite yet.

Did tonight’s author channel Tom Bombadil?

FYI, this will also work to connect your Wiimote to your PC, leading to all sorts of fun possibilities!