Mr Kicco Coffee 6-Pack Sampler

Mr Kicco Coffee 6-Pack Sampler - (Your Choice: Whole Bean or Ground)
Sold by: Wine Country Connect, LLC
$44.99 $66.70 33% off List Price
Enzo Donut Shop Coffee, 12oz. Vacuum Packed
Enzo European Blend, 12oz. Vacuum Packed
Enzo Mr. Kicco Blend, 12oz. Vacuum Packed
Enzo Kona Blend, 12oz. Vacuum Packed
Enzo French Roast, 12oz. Vacuum Packed
Enzo Sumatra Mandheling, 12oz. Vacuum Packed

Any reviews from previous woots?

Last wooter to woot: catcoland

We’ve bought this 2 or 3 times, it’s a good assortment, reasonable price and tastes good!

Roast date?

$10 per pound with shipping included.