Mystery Science Theater 3000 DVD Collectors Bundle

hours upon hours of relentless humor and crickets chirping in the background…

What is a DVD?

Ha, you beat me to it – I was going to make the same joke. :slight_smile: Good call, sir (or ma’am)

In the not too distant future
Somewhere in time and space…

the BF likes this… how awkward is it to complete the set from here? if i buy this is it easily possible?

is it REALLY a good deal?

“I have a papal decree to read!”

In for 1, god so happy, i missed this one last time!!!

sigh already bought a tea kettle, think I’m waiting on the BoC now and the monkeys. Too rich for my blood woot.

Awww. No Manos.
[Kid] Thank you, Mr. Franklin.
[Crow] For making us laugh about love again.
[Mike] Benjamin Franklin was tried in the 8th circuit court on stalking charges. In a minute, the results of that trial.

yes can these would cost about 140 total to buy on ebay and ebay is already a discount so great deal for starting it off

I would normally jump on this, but last July Woot sold 16, 17, and 18. I don’t want to repurchase 17 and 18 just for 19 and Gypsy…


Pre-Netflix I would have jumped on this in 2 seconds. Now? Meh.

Loved this.

Is it!!! 12 dvds for 75$?!? umm… yes :slight_smile:

Wooo action figure… awww it’s gypsy :///

It’s movie sign! In fer 1. Push the button, Frank.

u can watch these on netflix or watch now netflix?

I must be the only geek on the planet that hates MST3K. I’ve never watched one that I thought was even slightly funny and being forced to watch a horrible movie makes it worse.

Luckily my husband hates it to, so we saved $70!

Some but not all are on netflix instant. Disks, are probably all covered there.

can someone suggest a woot tracker please

yes it does , but it also includes a vial of tigers blood and a drip of WARLOCKS DNA