National Geographic Men’s Pioneer Series DiveMaster Strap Watch

Got one of these last month when it was Wooted.

First, it’s BIG. Don’t expect to wear it with a suit or anything.

Second, it really is targeted mainly at divers. If you’re a diver, it’s a decent non-air-integrated dive computer lite. If you aren’t, it’s a big watch with crap you’ll never ever use.

So we get the box?

perfect timing!!
Now I can to my Biology Midterm!

see you in two hours woot!

Can I track my diving speed with this watch?

Question…What would a Dog Whisperer watch do?

(And I got put on probation earlier for posting a GIF of Jessica Alba PUTTING ON a shirt. Whuh?

really? scuba watch? come on now

something smells fishy !


looks like something you get for free just for subscribing to the magazine

This site is such a dive!

(nyuk nyuk nyuk)

not one purchase yet… and so the hours shall drag…

Wow what a shock…woot screwing over the east coasters yet again…can we MAYBE get a crap before the 5pm hour so we have a chance of getting it before leaving work…thanks again woot!

just like to say I dont need this watch, or the other 3000000000000000 watches thay have posted…

BUT I am LIKIN my carp! WOOOT!


wtf…watch showed half gone…now full bar again?

But you gotta buy one! Else, what will the woot guys do with all these water resistant “dive watches?”

(Hint: useful submersible stuff is generally billed as water proof.)

They only had like 1400 of 'em? That’s kinda puny.

Will it play mp3? or mp4? What about HD video???

Good deal, buy 3!

Well this one should last until tommorow.