Neato Botvac D80 Robot Vacuum

We have 3 Neatos. We are satisfied customers. To provide extra protection to furniture, we bought heavy duty white velcro and attached the soft piece to the bumpers of our Neatos and to the backs (but not so it interferes with charging) so it doesn’t do damage when it backs up against a piece of furniture in a tight spot. It seems to help.

Your Neatos need new batteries. Best place to buy them is Bed Bath and Beyond website with 20 percent off coupon.

You know, I’ve always wondered. People like to say “no thanks” in comments threads when things are offered up for sale, or Apple releases a new iThing, etc. I always wonder, do you also wander down the cereal aisle of the grocery store saying “no thanks” at all the cereals you aren’t buying? It always just strikes me as odd that people are curiously polite, as if they’ve been offered a plate of cookies and they don’t want one.

Not criticizing, just curious. Maybe it’s my Aussie upbringing… just noticed it a lot on the Interwebs. Anyone know where this comes from?

Unfortunately, Neato’s are not compatible with cats sitting on them. They would interfere with the laser and the Neato would think it was blocked from going forward. The Neato would constantly turn and back up, making the cat dizzy and the cat would quickly fall off the Neato. Clearly a design flaw. Unless you can find a transparent cat or a cat small enough to sit on top of the LIDAR.