Would not want this one to leak in the Amazon van.
Smells terrible, works great.
[Insert teenaged boy humor alluding to Uranus]
Many years ago, we had planted some ground cover and it was having trouble taking off. Someone suggested fish oil fertilizer. It was a large area. Worked great but the neighbors weren’t too pleased with the odor for a while. heh.
I think you meant Fish Fertilizer. Fish oil supplements are for Omega 3’s
A teaspoon of this stuff probably has some Omega 3’s! You’ll need some Omega B’s to try to take it though!
I will stick with a fish sandwich for now, thanks!
If you have an aquarium and keep up with water changes you can just use the tank water. Same effect, less smell
This area was about 25’ wide by 15’ long. That’s a lot of tanks. lol