Netgear 108Mbps Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter

This is a great price! I was looking for one a while ago and the cheapest 108 I could find was for 89.99 - even on Ebay. I now wish I had waited, I picked up the 54 last wootoff.

gimme a new tracker 0:-)

Bought 2 in the past, work great in the old laptops that we keep at the office!

Barn Of Cows

UCLA Police Taser Student in Powell Library
Watch. Think. Comment.

If I read your message correct, you are saying that you love this bleedin’ thing and are ordering 3

I had one of these, and they are worthless unless you have a Netgear router to connect to.

'goin fast finaly

any guesses on the next woot? if only the blasted carrots were in sight! i got my money on one of those Vector car jumpstarters!

I just got here and can’t wait til they woot the Adaptec AVC-1400 GameBridge USB 2.0 Adapters. Hope it hapens soon…

Well there were over 2000 posts a little while ago. Most of them photos. That’ll slow things down.

Now this makes me laugh. They sold the netgear wireless hub earlier.

Best enjoyed with…

Again I say, Meh!

I don’t care if there’s a Bundle Of Corkscrews this time … just something other than refurb’ed dinky crud! After the Woot From Hell™, we’ve earned it!

I !@&# in your mouth. yawn O_O

potty break time

Looks like a good deal. Linkage:

where is my Barista Of Choice???

Got one. Should work to make my Tivo wireless, as long as serial number doesn’t start with one of three strings… No idea what the odds are that it will, but for the price I am willing to roll the dice to find out.