Netgear Wireless Range Extender Kit

This is the first time I’ve heard the lovely wootoff music.

Can someone say lame?
I can. this needs to extend my wiener.


This thing has been killing woot offs for years…

no need no buy. bring on the Bingo Old Codgers

a COMPLETE Listing of all woot-off items and stats can be found HERE site might not load the first time due to heavy traffic, so just hit refresh and it should show up.

all referbs

recycled, rubish, refirbed. YUK


Is this the refurb woot off??? Seems like they’ve all been refurbs

Damnit, I wanted to sleep tonight

Woot-off!!! My first post! These are nice but I don’t really have any need for them

Wait a minute! DOS? Is this 1993?

Not Very Good for ectended range!

A Netgear Refurb! Yay!

ack - papers, final exams - this is precisely the wrong time for a woot-off…oh what am i saying? it is always the right time for a woot-off.

no thanks…

OK, I’m DIZZY now. Vertigo sets in!

what a day to lose a woot-bet. i owe my boss today’s woot (up to a hundred bucks). let’s hope he sees woot when something cheap is up!