Never Compromise SC-1 Left-Handed Putter

Are you kidding me? That’s left-ist.

who the hell is lefty?

This will kill our wootz.

Not only a putter, but a LEFT HANDED putter.

Are there that many left handed people?

could this be a…

WOOT KILLA???!?!?!?!?!

Lefty putter? No thanks.



Ha awesome

I’m left handed but 39 bucks for a putter is a bit high. woot killer

This is super awesome! If only I played golf and was left handed!

No USB?? I’ll pass . . .


This scares me. Really scares me.

left handed putter? for who, Ned Flanders? NEXT!

right handed time for shower! :smiley:

oh come on, a left handed putter!!!???!!!


put put put put…ppllllbbbbbb

seriously wtf mate?

Yay something for lefties. :slight_smile:

Too bad I don’t need one. :frowning: