NFL Greenbay Packers Ugly Sweater Vest, Small

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NFL Greenbay Packers Ugly Sweater Vest, Small
Price: $18.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $10 Two-Day OR $20 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 2-3 business days. (Friday, Aug 26 to Monday, Aug 29) + transit
Condition: New


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Ugh, small! As a true Packer fan, I can assure everyone that I am NOT small.

Woo, go Packers!

Your choice of any size as long as it’s small.

Is it ok to put this on a medium sized dog?

Packers! but small…

Actually, not that ugly. Would go nice with a cheesehead.

Wow. You could put a BOC link in that pattern and nobody could find it.

Is it ugly due to the sweater or because it is Packers???